It is never easy losing a child.
We are here to help you.

Call Us Today. We are waiting to speak with you!

Our Professional Team is here to help.

Bereavement Support Group


Resourceful Information


Care packages
Awareness Trainings and more...

Restore Joy & Trust

"Women & Men Supporting Families of Murdered Victims"

We believe in being proactive against gun violence!


Compassion * Literacy * Volunteerism
Training & Resources

Inquire about the Reading "Warrior" Program
Etiquette "GLOWS" for girls Mentoring

 We Need Your Help and Support
To Make a Difference in our Community.

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News & Updates

In Loving Memory
Luis Domingo Leon

Sunrise - 02/18/1989
Sunset  - 04/17/2007

RJT Foundation has offered to assist the M.D.P.D. in getting information out to the community about the GUN BOUNTY PROGRAM.
Get $1,000 cash reward for your information that leads to a person with an illegal gun. No Name, No ID, No Questions
1 Gun, 1 Arrest, 1 Grand!
We can sit back and do nothing while our children are killing each other or step up and take action to help save their lives.
Let us do our part in keeping our children safe, our communities safe and get these illegal guns off our streets.

Call: (305) 471-TIPS (8477)

How a Miami Organization is Helping Victims of Gun Violence

Fri, May 13

Restore Joy and Trust, a group founded by mothers who have lost a child to gun violence, has made it their mission to bring back joy to communities like theirs suffering from violent crime. [click here]


Welcome To RJT Foundation, Inc.

RJT Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) recognized non-profit organization reaching out to families who have endured the pain of losing a child as a result of a violent act of crime. In Loving Memory of Roman Edwin Bradley, JaQuevin De' Nahjee Myles, and Trevin D'Shawn Reddick.

Angel In Our Hearts - By Renee E. Jones

Although they have gone away from our presence We still hold them close and near; They were a soul so precious, a soul so dear. Even though the pain cuts deep within our hearts; The love we feel for them will never depart. They are gone so soon as our angel on earth; So much pain, so much hurt. But, we stand strong and we stand tall; Resting on our faith and knowing, They are now an angel in our hearts. 

Our Partners
City of Miami Gardens
Moms Demand Action
Florida International University
First Book
Alliance for Safety and Justice
Miami Dade College ICED

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Scripture of The Week

Matthew 15:11 NLT

You are not defiled by what you eat; you are defiled by what you say and do.

Corporate Sponsers

Aventura, Dadeland and Weston

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